Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bing Webmaster Center Tools

To get best result of your website in Bing first of all you need to submit your website to Bing (register and have Bing ID for having Bing profile), that authenticate your website. Website authentication is necessary so that Bing webmaster knows that you are owner of website and you get access to all necessary details.

Bing Webmaster Center Tools:

    * Summary tool
    * Profile tool
    * Crawl Issues tool
    * Backlinks tool
    * Outbound Links tool
    * Keywords tool
    * Sitemaps tool
    * Robots.txt validation tool

Summary Tool
Profile Tool
Crawl Issues Tool
Backlinks Tool
Outbound Links Tool
Keywords Tool
Sitemaps Tool
Robots.txt Validation Tool

1 Comment:

Dorothy bellisario said...

You can do this by adding a link to your signature in the forums, or by placing a link to content on your site that is relevant to topic in forum.


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