Google new roll out on 9th September 2010, Google Instant.
Better Search! Faster Search! Showing results as you type is the key feature of this new enhancement.
With Google Instant you can see search terms as you type that helps formulate search results and on fly search result seen.
Benefits of Google Instant:
Faster Searches: Google Instant can save 2-5 seconds per search compared to search before as it helps you by predicting your search and showing results before you finish typing.
Smarter Predictions: If you are sure what you are searching Google will also offer more options, in case you are not sure what you are looking exactly, Google search predictions help guide your search. The top prediction is shown in grey text directly in the search box, so as you see what you need, you can just stop typing and hit ti see result.
Instant Results: With every alphabet you type your search gets refined, you can start seeing results before your eyes. Before Google Instant you need to type full search term.
Features of Google Instant
Safe Search option available to for children browsing to filter explicit content for children.
Autocomplete excludes certain terms related to pornography, violence and hate speech.
Google functionality retained with Google Instant; no change in Internet connection.
Searches will be returned in approximately zero time because the results you want will appear before you finish typing.
Presently, users on domains other than can only access Google Instant if they are signed in to a Google Account.
Google Instant can be turned off by switching Instant off that is available next to search box if you are log in or by visiting Google Preferences.
Google Instant search is faster, better, instant compared to normal Google search as Google Instant takes approximately 9 seconds where as Google took more than 9 seconds at times 20-30 seconds.
You save 2-5 seconds per search as it takes zero time to display search results.
With Instant, if used globally search estimated time saved would be 11 hours per second.
15 technologies contribute to Google Instant technologies.
Daily Search Forum Recap: February 24, 2025
13 hours ago
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