When a user access a web page in a web browser, a request is send to the website server to access that page. In response to the request the server returns an HTTP status code based on the request status. This status code gives search engines web page and website related information.
1xx (Provisional response) - These set of status codes require the requestor to take action to continue.
100 (Continue) - This code is returned by server to indicate that it has received the first part of a request and is waiting for the rest.
101 (Switching protocols) - The server has acknowledge requestor request to switch protocols.
2xx (Successful) - These status codes indicate that the server successfully processed the request.
200 (Successful)
201 (Created)
202 (Accepted)
203 (Non-authoritative information)
204 (No content)
205 (Reset content)
206 (Partial content)
3xx (Redirected) - Status codes for which further action is needed to fulfill the request. These codes are often used for redirection. Google recommends that you use fewer than five redirects for each request.
300 (Multiple choices)
301 (Moved permanently)
302 (Moved temporarily)
303 (See other location)
304 (Not modified)
305 (Use proxy)
307 (Temporary redirect)
4xx (Request error) - The status codes represent the likely error that server experienced that prevented server from fulfilling the request.
400 (Bad request)
401 (Not authorized)
403 (Forbidden)
404 (Not found)
405 (Method not allowed)
406 (Not acceptable)
407 (Proxy authentication required)
408 (Request timeout)
409 (Conflict)
410 (Gone)
411 (Length required)
412 (Precondition failed)
413 (Request entity too large)
414 (Requested URI is too long)
415 (Unsupported media type)
416 (Requested range not satisfiable)
417 (Expectation failed)
5xx (Server error) - These status codes indicate server error not request error, internal server error that prevented request.
500 (Internal server error)
501 (Not implemented)
502 (Bad gateway)
503 (Service unavailable)
504 (Gateway timeout)
505 (HTTP version not supported)
For more information visit W3C HTTP status code .
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
HTTP Status Codes
Posted by Rakhi at 3:13 AM
Labels: HTTP status codes
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