Monday, October 20, 2008

Speaking websites design with flash

Most wanted tool for web designers these days is ‘Flash’, if you talk about web interactivity Macromedia flash tool is most successful and loved one today. Latest flash version Flash MX provides features for more interactive presentations. With its prelude Flash has revolutionized web world by providing voice to text and liveliness to websites across wide range of industries attracting more visitors towards it. Taking about animation, it is gift of flash and you can find many games online for kids, youngsters.

Flash is an IDE for flash player; a flash player is virtual machine used to run (parse) flash files. Flash file is an action script virtual machine (AVM) for scripting interactivity at run-time, supports audio, video, bit map files having .swf file extension.

With online marketing swing many web design and web development companies are coming up and this has created tough competition in the market. It is really not easy to have strong visibility for websites if they do not update, move with a different approach, follow best SEO strategies to promote themselves and generate leads. In this techno-driven and business centric world we have reached a level where we do not get ample time to prove ourselves if we are not prepared, companies need to be ready anytime to prove themselves so that they do not miss out any client rather I would say ‘Speaking Websites’. Today customers are not ready to wait, there are number of web design companies in the queue, if you do not prove your credibility you may lose in spite of quality, so be quick.

With Macromedia adding more features to flash, many websites have embedded flash movies in their websites. Websites visitors gain oscillator motion going to the website coming back and again going to find more interesting features on the website. Flash is browser compatible and all you need is flash player. Also, Flash action scripting is used for multitude of functions and components.
Amazing websites are result of flash animation but there is one major drawback as flash websites are not search engine friendly, but recent news says Google has started crawling flash websites also. Business are registering huge profit as Flash based websites speak to visitors, help to develop good communication network as have good expressing ability.

Flash developed websites have their own shortcomings. It is really difficult to optimize flash based websites as search engines spiders are not able to read flash content.

A flash movie needs to be loaded all together before it actually starts so flash works well with internet connection with good speed, with slow internet connection flash will take time to load. So I recommend to have a html version for visitors who are not interested in downloading flash movie, separate pages for flash and non flash visitors. Flash is often distributed in .swf file format



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