Thursday, July 30, 2009

Google Free Tools

I was browsing Net for web analytics advanced segments related stuff and came across a set of free tools that Google has provided that many of us do not know. I went one-by-one through all of them. I find these tools really helpful.

Insite For Search - this tool by Google helps to compare Google search volume across time frames, categories, regions.

Search-Based Keyword Tool - This tool helps to find relevant keywords that are yet not used for advertising. This tool provides keywords that people search and compare with website content, its product and services.

Ad Planner - This tool helps to identify websites that will attarct your target audience. The tool also lets you create media plans that will resonate with your audience current online behavior.

Webmaster Central Helps to improve website's visibility in natural search result.

Google Product Search
Local Business Center
Google Analytics Website current trend and marketing strategy to maximize the number of high value visits.
Website Optimizer - To check what Website content converts best.



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