Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Google Caffeine Update Ranking Factors

Google Caffeine Update Ranking Factors

The biggest step taken in Google's Caffeine update is of search index or indices it is the way Google "search and index" the web. Page quality plays major role in Google caffeine update and On-Page factor has more to do then regular off-page factors. Quality, themed, unique content, web page design, good quality navigation, page title, meta tags, description, alt tags, keyword density, page views, bounce rate, traffic numbers, time spend on page, and the number of social bookmarks may play a more powerful role in achieving high rankings.
High PR linking, linking to do-follow blogs, forums, PR, directories, niche directory, deep linking, social bookmarking site, creating profile to promote business, business local listing to superpages,, contextual link building with themed websites and blogs will serve as high quality third party link to your site adding greater value to your page.

All website owners need to increase indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness.
Factors which may change Google Caffeine search results:

  • The websites with fastest/quickest loading time rank higher in search engine ranking pages.
  • Fastest web servers that take less time to deliver will rank in top in Google.
    Clean coding with less nested loops will be added advantage for website ranking.
    Table nesting can may take more time to load the pages and so is pushed down in ranking results.
  • Websites built in layers quick load.
  • Scripts use should be optimized in a website and java script should be used minimum or called from outside or used at the last of the page code.
  • Also use of flash should be optimized as search engine like Google have started indexing flash codes, you need to use metadata in flash.
  • Always try to build your website using light CMS, websites built on heavy CMS, does not fit good with Google’s Caffeine algorithm.
  • Unorganized databases and its indexing and information can get your website go slow.
  • Web pages content is another important factor for website web pages optimization, quality, fresh, themed content is required neither too much, nor too less.
  • Anchor text used for website linking.
  • Social networking on facebook, twitter, myspace and other social networking sites social bookmarking with digg, delicious, furl, etc will help to boost ranking.
    Broken links if any on your site may lower your website ranking, so check for broken links.



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