Saturday, March 20, 2010

Multiple User Access to your Google Webmaster Tools Account

It was 2nd of March 2010 Google simplified the process of multiple user access to your Google Webmaster Tools account.

Google webmaster tools wants website owners to verify their site before Google can share website's data and stats to its owner and this is vital for privacy so that unauthorized users do not gain access to website’s detail stats. To verify that you own a site, the website owner with Google account can proceed in either of the two ways. User can add meta tag to home page source files or need to upload HTML file to server. If Google webmaster tool finds that code on your site you are verified as website owner.

Earlier each person who needed to access Google webmaster tool through their account needed to add separate code using different Google account. Now, Google just below the site information, if you login and you are verified user can see a tab showing "Add a user", clicking that let’s you enter email address of another user and instantly user is verified owner and can see the website stats using ones email id. Email addresses can be removed if you wish.

Points to consider:
Each website must have at least one user who has verified site ownership directly using meta tag or HTML file. Directly verified ownership becomes unverified if HTM file or meta tag is removed. Just email id ownership can be removed by making email unverified from the account. Access level is same for all the users. Only Google Account owners can become owner of Google Webmaster tools.



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