Thursday, November 20, 2008

Google analytics tracking for Adobe flash websites

I have being into search engine optimization field for the last three years and initially it was really a difficult task to track flash events. With digitalization websites interactivity improved, people started loving dynamic websites compared to static websites as dynamic websites are user friendly, more interactive. Do not get metagrobolized between tracking flash events and flash content. Earlier, by using _trackPageview function Google analytics enabled tracking of browser based events. For Flash action all we need to do is allocate a page file name and use this file name in Google analytics goal or funnel as required. Tracking flash content, flash movies have never been simpler before; Google on 17th November, 2008 in San Francisco at Adobe MAX conference announced a simplified flash tracking solutions.

How Google analytics performs to track flash, AS3 or Flex content??? Google analytics general tracking code is simplified by translating it into ActionScript3 programming language. Earlier it was not easy and one had to create code and customize to track flash content. No more tension…..with Google analytics tracking code for Adobe flash content you can get pageview, you can track online games, embedded videos. Parameters like how many visited played the game, who watched video, video was opened how many times, new visits, track distributed content, effectiveness of content.



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