Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Google SearchMasters Conference 2009 Bangalore

Google Open Talent Hunt SearchMasters Ground 2009

Webmasters, Analysts, Strategist, Web Analysts Google SearchMasters Conference 28th February 2009 at Bengaluru, Karnataka, Bangalore, Hi-Tech City India.

Power of Google and its dominance on the Internet Industry is well known to all internet users, millions of people search on internet and maximum users trust Google to fetch results, number of users use free toolsets offered by Google to customize their day-today activities. Google SearchMaster 09 was an interactive, valuable session, must attend activity for all working on Internet Domain.

Main Highlights – Opportunity to come up with!! Climb the ladder and bla bla. If you were invited (through email), or if someone invited you; form was to be filled everyone could not attend as I have read very limited seats were there. I was not lucky enough as it was first of its kind in India. It would be really great if I could make it. Anyways, I searched on internet as I was highly anxious to know more on the topic. I am sure those who were called up webmasters must have well prepared there questionnaires so quench their webmaster related thirst. Mind bogling questions, not an issue!! If webmasters had questions there was answer to those questions as experts were there to answer your questions on vivid topics.

For first time in India, webmasters were so close to their experts to be answered face to face. Mode of interaction were presentations, interactive sessions were you could actively participate. A full day event with core concentration and discussion on the topics:

Webmaster Central and Best Practices – This included very common topics like Google Webmaster resources and how you can benefit from them. Webmasters also learnt about webmaster guidelines.
Google Analytics and Website Optimizer – Accessibility to under skin information about your website – traffic, hits, visitors, top content, top keywords, goals and how to use these information for business leads. Advance Google analytics features have provided a common platform for website owners, advertisers and publishers to improve traffic, sales and leads and ultimately online visibility of your business website. Discussion was stretched to Google website Optimizer tool on how to maximize return on your minimum investment.

Webmaster Help Forum – Discussion was on Webmaster Help Forum new features to gain access to rich functionalities. How to use this tool to find solutions to problems you face in general, interact with communities so that you contribute as well as gain from them. Hot discussion topic was community builders or 'Bionic Posters'.

How and Why to build Mobile Friendly Websites, SEO for mobile websites – With increase in number of mobile users website designers and developers though it would be great if we could access our business websites anywhere anytime but earlier it was confined to Desktops, expanded to Laptops and toopday to a portable device Mobile, all in your hand. Tips and tricks were shared on hoe to optimize mobile websites, SEO friendly mobile websites differs in user interface and design on many grounds like screen resolution, etc.

Google Custom Search – How we can get niche search results by customizing our search, Google custom search takes user to targeted search. How Google custom search helps to monetize with Ads; increase click through rate and conversion rate on your website.



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