Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Google Me and Facebook Social Networking Space

Round the corner heared that Google is ready to hit the social networking space with 'Google Me' and will overcome the shortcomings that Google has with Orkut, Buzz, Google Waves.

Yesterday Digg's CEO Kevin Rose wrote 14 words late Saturday night: "Huge rumor: Google to launch Facebook competitor very soon "Google Me," very credible source." Adam D’Angelo , who was Facebook’s CTO now founder of hot Q&A service Quora. D’Angelo shared his thoughts as an answer  to one of the questions on Quora. He said that Google Me is real project with large number of people working on it and is gunning for Facebook.

But, this time competition is tough and really let us see what Google has in the bag to offer to customer in order to grab Facebook market share.   To know more about Facebook and Google standpoint and share in the global market take a look at Top U.S. Web Sites and Brands for May 2010.



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